The Caesarea Forum: Formulating National Economic Policy

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The IDI holds an annual economic conference, know as the Caesarea Forum. Now in its 15th year, this Forum has come to be known as the most important economic conference in Israel in which the most central and pressing issues in the Israeli market are discussed. Every year, the Minister of Finance directs the forum. Among the participants are prime ministers 

from past and present, Ministers, MKs, leading figures in the business world, academics, and public officials Traditionally, the last speech of the forum is reserved for the Prime Minister


Each topic dealt with during the conference is researched by a team of experts who begin their work half-a-year before the forum is held. At the forum, the team presents its findings and proposes practical solutions to pressing economic and social issues in order to influence Israel’s public agenda and set forth basic guidelines for the formulation of Israel’s economic policy